Monday, May 01, 2006

Out with the old, in with the new

Yo wassup mah homies

As i was sayin in the chatbox, but was rudely censored by blogspot, I'm feelin ya bitch and I do feel it is TIME we got WITH the TIMES... if you know what i'm sayin. I've been doin a fair bit of research myself ..and let me ask you peeps this..What do people like P. diddy, Snoop doggy dog and J. Lo got in common? Yea they all cool.. but why? and then it hit me.. Its obvious y'all... they got cool nicknames! After thorough research.. i discovered the sources of most of their nicknames.. Get this y'all.. Snoop doggy dog's nickname came from some unknown comic strip (who has time to read comics anyway?) named PEANUTS where there is a dog named Snoopy. Notice how he doesn't use 'Snoopy dog' as his nickname but uses a more hip and cool variation! J.lo on the other hand is is actually..a short form of her name.. Its brilliant.. Jennifer LOpez..and hence J.LO.. I am still however getting to the bottom of the P. diddy mystery. Unfortunately there seems to be no journal articles on the subject as i have tried researching on PubMed and Science Direct several times.

So it got me thinking.. We gotta get nicknames y'all!
I thought up a few.. Let me know what you guys think:

Suchuen : M. Diddy ( which is MD for medical doctor... notice how i tried to make it sound more hip and cool)
Grace: Em-Cee (short for master of ceremony which is what she's good at doing)
Nadia: N'archy (this one took lots of creativity.. N for nadia and archy for being an architect..
Pronounced as anarchy.. i was inspired by apparently world famous pop group N'Sync)
Lisa: Dopey-D ( apparently the word pharmacist was not in the dictionary of cool words.
I also discovered after thorough research that the word on the street for Drugs is Dope (pronounced DOPE)! THis is a top ecret code apparently and can also be used to address drug addicts (for example "you a mean ass dope-head"). Pretend you didnt hear it from me.)
Krystle: Bling bling (because crystals shine)
Karmern: Flash (because of her camera skills)
Ann: ALi ( As in Ann. LIm..See above for J.Lo example)
Yi min : Noodles (as in Yee Min)
Peishi: P. CHo (once again in light of the J Lo. example)
AiLi: Chinkity Chin

I think this is the first step we can take to pursuing coolness. PLease let me know what you think

Where's the love y'all?
Dopey D