My measly attempt to revive geekobookclub. Let's hope it works.
Hello all!!
Geekobookclub has obviously been confined to the dark recesses of our inner minds for the past oh I don't know, half a year or so? They say every good thing has to come to an end and as much as it pains me to say this, I believe we can no longer deny the fact that we have all *gasp* lost our love for reading and *doublegasp* become cool. Having said that, I still believe in the cause of this blog.
Please, don't be too hard on yourselves. No one is to blame. It is not our faults that the world turns its face away from geeks such as ourselves. I, just like yourselves, had high hopes of making my voice heard back when we started this little blog. In fact, the very essence of the geekoboookclub was, I believe, borne out of nothing but our undying desires to make our geeky little voices heard. All we wanted was to tell the world that IT IS OK TO LOVE READING. THAT IT IS OK TO BE GEEKY. But we failed.
But all's well, my friends. They say, it is better to have tried being geeky once, than to never have been geeky at all. And yes, they in the previous sentence was really just me. Not all is lost, y'all. Yes, such is the way the world has changed us. We have lost our sense of pride at being labelled geekos and have had to move with the changing times, using slangs like "y'all", "dude", and by far the worst I've heard, "bitch". Yes, apparently, beautiful names like Kwang Feng and Ching Chong are now considered to be uncool and too long to utter by the-cool-ones, and therefore have been reduced to that of a female dog. Why the new powers that be (yes, my friends, we are no longer the powers that be, seeing as it is almost a crime to be geeky these days.) chose to generalize everyone's name to the word "bitch" and not something less derogatory like say, "princessconsuelabananahammock" is indeed a mystery to behold.
I believe the time has come for us to accept the fact that geekos have no place in the world we live in today. Unless of course, we acquire a piece of land off the coast of Papua New Guinea, and attempt to geekonize an indigenous man-eating tribe who have never been exposed to the "coolness" of our world, but that, I'm afraid will have to wait for after Lisa's wedding this December. Until then, I suggest, we attempt to assimilate ourselves with the people around us, taking in their slangs, actions and everything that will make us cool. Sadly, this might include having to call each other the equivalent of a female dog when we're around the-cool-ones, but, this is all transient. And this will be our guise, until we hatch another plan to storm the world with our geekiness.
There is nothing much we can do to erase the geeky posts we have so painstakingly typed in the past. What I suggest we can do is change our style of writing and, maybe even change the name of our blog. If it is possible, we might like to change our logo from the geekolizard to something a little more with the times, like say a picture of the Backstreet Boys who seem to have achieved fame again with their song "I just want you to know". As you can see, I have started doing my homework by researching the newest and coolest bands in town. You should probably start soon.
Till our next meeting. Ciao y'all!
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