Monday, August 29, 2005

Ground Rules

Welcome to the unofficial inauguration of our very own GEEKO BOOK CLUB!!
First, I would like to set some ground rules for those of you who happen to chance upon this site.

1. This blog is essentially what it says at the top. It is a book club. We shall be writing reviews (doesn't have to be all formal and stuff la) on any book that is of interest to the reviewer. This is not a personal blog. We do not want to know what time you woke up this morning and how many strokes you took to brush your teeth.

2. To be a full-fledged member of the Geeko Book Club, you have to either be the owner of a pair of spectacles (which you wear) or contact lenses. This is a very important prerequisite which takes precedence over your love for reading. (as in, if you love to read but have perfect eyesight, you are not eligible to become a member)

3. Should you have any queries regarding the club or wish to join it, please submit a full resume of how many books you've written from the time you first learnt how to read, complete with a summary of all the Enid Blyton books you've ever read to (it really does exist) Again, if you have perfect eyesight, don't bother.

4. For now, all the book reviews will be done by the powers that be as we are the only members of this club. (those deemed worthy will receive an sms from me detailing the login name and password.) Reviews written would be in the reviewers point of view and therefore any spiteful comments aimed to critiscize the reviewer is highly discouraged. We hold strongly to the adage "to each his own". Ignore this rule and the powers that be will track you down, afterwhich we will spam your comments section and tagboard with a very lengthy review of Sejarah Malaysia Tingkatan 5. Be assured, we will do it because we are geeks.

5. If at any time you would like to post a review of a book of your choice and have not yet become a member, please feel free to email us at the address stated above. Your review will be processed by the elite members of Geeko Book Club's censorship board. Should it meet all the conditions of the book review quality control act, your review will be duly posted within 7 days of submission. That is unless the members of the censorship board are busy studying for exams. Under these conditions, we do not guarantee when your review will be posted, as it might be deleted out of frustration. Also, we will not hesitate to delete book reviews with stupid titles without so much as a click to check if the rest of it is in fact, substantial. Please choose your titles wisely.

For now, these are the 5 golden rules of the Geeko Book Club. The powers that be reserve the right to alter, add or retract any of these rules as and when we please because we are, the powers that be.